Friday, August 8, 2014

Types Of Exercise For 45 Plus

Having a disease of the cardiovascular system, are shown walking and swimming lessons with a frequency of 3 - 5 per week. Combine them with loads of power and aerobic plan for 1 hour in equal proportions. If you prefer any one side of the load, the desired result will not happen. Those who chose sparing classes (yoga and Pilates) should pay attention to cardio, otherwise obtain the necessary reliefs of figures will not work. Strength exercises carried out under the supervision of a trainer. Better deal with heavy weights, doing frequent repetitions of the same exercise.  Classes, which are held on the surface of the low stability, excellent, strengthen muscles on the back (fitball).

Types of exercise for 45 plus - Those women who decided to Tutor are recommended standard complexes, but with a number of features. The purpose of your employment to the extent that, as a physical condition will improve - increase the load and the level of exercise.  Beat a set of exercises for a few workouts, let each of them will be focused on one group of muscles. For example, on a certain day of the week engaged or waist, or press or biceps, but not at the expense of health. The next day after the fitness you need to feel comfortable. Strength training pays up to 3 times a week; over time promote the bar up to 4 times.

Sports and Fitness After 45 Years
We estimate the "pros" - After Balzac age firmly took the woman in his arms, she begins to gain weight. Most women gain weight after 45 years, due to hormonal changes in the body. Overweight negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Your sports will find a positive response by all organs, including the heart. And the figure will be slim. Sports affect the production of endorphins (happiness hormones).

Sports and Fitness after 45 years of not only strengthen the body and muscles, but also the "slow down" the aging process. Age-related changes has not been canceled, but if you replace the sedentary lifestyle comes active, you gain better health, improve posture and condition of the nervous system.

Evaluate all "against" - Unlikely that you will find special sessions for their age group. Then you have to rely on experience and understand more advanced in fitness and sports people.

You have to carefully enter the world of fitness. For example, when running the body is under a heavy load, which can be fraught with injuries. If there is a contraindication to any exercise, it is better not to perform.
How to choose sport and fitness after 45? Women who are over 45 years of age it is best practice yoga Body flex, Callanetics, and swimming. To "load" the body more dynamic workouts, follow these guidelines:

•    Get permission from an independent doctor, taking into account all possible loads.
•    Step-beginner level at - quite suitable complexity classes for middle-aged ladies.

Daily Demand For Fats

Daily demand for fats - It is recommended to eat in day 1 - 1.3 grams of fat per 1 kilogram of body weight. For example, if your weight is 60 pounds, you have to eat 60 - 70 grams of fat per day. Win fat in the diet should be 15 to 25% of the total number of products and 30% of people hard physical labor.

•    Vegetable oil - 30 g;
•    PUFA - 6.4 g;
•    Cholesterol - 1 g;
•    Phospholipids - 5 g
Fat content in the diet should provide a third of the energy value of food per day. For residents of the northern zone of the value increases to 40%, and for people living in the southern climate zone value decreases to 28%.

Slim body after the age of 45 years - Who said that if you are a bit over 40, life is almost over; your age should be your pride, rather than a reason to hang on his hands and put a cross shape. Let envy you young maidens. Yes, they have a young body, but your life experience, work fine, adult children and beloved husband. Once again you can take a deep breath and deal with them.

If the word "sport" for you has no practical sense - that is no reason not to have them now. You have to sweat in order to make the figure slim and athletic but unless your efforts are not worth.

Vegetable Oil Abuse Leads To The Accumulation Of Fatty Acids

Vegetable oil abuse leads to the accumulation of fatty acids in the cells, and the poisoning of the oxidation products. Olive oil is an exception since it contains the smallest amount of PUFA, and can be used even in large quantities useful nutrients rich sunflower, corn, olive and soybean oils.

Fats in cooking - On vegetable oils cannot fry long since destroyed at high temperature all the useful properties and accumulate oxidation products that are harmful to health. It is recommended to use for fast frying, such as vegetable saute, frying fish, dough products, as well as salad dressings, vinaigrettes.

The oil remaining after roasting cannot be used for further cooking. In cooking often used oils: sunflower, olive, cottonseed, peanut and soybean, and pastry cooking used sesame and walnut; bakery is mustard.
·         Sunflower oil - suitable for all types of cooking: cooking, baking, salad dressings.
·         Olive oil - contains a huge amount of monounsaturated fatty acids. Its beneficial properties are used for the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

·         Corn oil - suitable for salads; contains linoleic acid and vitamin E.
·         Linseed oil - contains alpha-linolenic acid; it is used for constipation.
·         Pumpkin Seed Oil - contains nutrients and vitamins.
·         Soybean oil - known beneficial properties; contains lecithin, which influences the level of cholesterol in the blood.
·         Mustard oil - has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.